The District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission (the “Commission”) has issued a Notice of Second Proposed Rulemaking (“Notice”) in Volume 66, No. 52 of the District of Columbia Register to notify the public of its intent to amend Chapter 21 (Judicial Nomination Commission) of Title 28 (Corrections, Courts, and Criminal Justice) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, by promulgating a new § 2102, Applications for Judicial Nominations, in no less than thirty (30) days from December 20, 2019, the date of publication of the Notice in the District of Columbia Register. The Notice is available at:
The purpose of this rulemaking is to clarify certain application procedures for judicial candidates. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which included a proposed § 2102 regarding certain application procedures for judicial candidates, was published in the District of Columbia Register on August 30, 2019, at 66 D.C. Reg. 11713. The Commission received comments on the proposed § 2102, and the Commission’s responses to those comments have resulted in alterations to § 2102.1 of the proposed rulemaking.
All persons desiring to comment on the subject of the Commission’s second proposed rulemaking should file comments, in writing, not later than thirty (30) days after the date of the publication of the Notice in the District of Columbia Register. Comments should be clearly marked “Public Comments: Judicial Nomination Commission Regulations” and sent to the Judicial Nomination Commission, 515 5th Street NW, Suite 235, Washington, DC 20001, or by email to Bianca Garcia, at [email protected]. Comments must be received by 5 pm on January 20, 2020. Copies of the proposed rules may be obtained during the hours of 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, by contacting Bianca Garcia, at (202) 879-0478 or [email protected].
Any technical problems or questions should be directed to the Commission at (202) 879-0478 or [email protected].