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Judicial Nomination Commission

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Notice of Applicants for Superior Court Vacancy Created by the Retirement of Judge Cheryl M. Long

Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Commission invites comments from the bench, bar and public regarding the fitness of the applicants

The Judicial Nomination Commission (“Commission”) invites comments from the bench, bar and public regarding the fitness of the following applicants for a judicial position on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Comments should be submitted by way of email to the Commission at [email protected] and to the individual Commission members at the addresses below by no later than January 5, 2010.

Any comments received by the Commission will be considered confidential and will not be released to the public. Any comments discussed with an applicant will be discussed without revealing the source of such comments, absent written consent by the individual or organization providing the comment.


Maria Amato
Hon. Joseph E. Beshouri
Hon. Diane M. Brenneman
Hon. Claudia A. Crichlow
Devarieste Curry
Todd E. Edelman
Hon. Diana Miriam Harris Epps
Hon. Sharon E. Goodie
Hon. Paul B. Handy
Robert J. Hildum
Teresa A. Howie
Hon. Karen A. Howze
Dorsey Gene Jones, II
Russell B. Kinner
Christopher M. Locey
Richard S. Love 
Hon. John F. McCabe Jr.
Hon. Aida L. Melendez
Nathan A. Neal
Lloyd U. Nolan Jr.
Robert D. Okun
Hon. Lori E. Parker
Marybeth Raffinan
Valencia R. Rainey
Armando A. Rodriguez-Feo
Elizabeth J. Shapiro
Hon. Judith Smith
Mary Ann Snow 
Sean C. Staples
Gwendolyn McDowell Washington
Richard M. Wilson 
Hon. Elizabeth Carroll Wingo 


Judicial Nomination Commission


The Honorable Emmet G. Sullivan
United States District Court
  for the District of Columbia
United States Courthouse
333 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 354-3260
[email protected]
Rev. Morris L. Shearin Sr., D. Min.
Israel Baptist Church
1251 Saratoga Ave, NE
Washington, DC 20018
(202) 269-0288
[email protected]
Mr. William Lucy
1625 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-1200
c/o [email protected]
Karl A. Racine, Esquire
Venable LLP
575 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 344-8322
[email protected]
c/o [email protected]
Natalie O. Ludaway, Esquire
Leftwich & Ludaway LLP
1400 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-2403
(202) 434-9103
[email protected]
Helgi C. Walker, Esquire
Wiley Rein & Fielding
1776 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 719-7349
[email protected]